
Stragetic Importantance of the Locataion

1775 chart showing shipping channel Boston Harbor
Chart courtsey of

The above 1775 chart shows Castle Island and why this location was strategically important to Boston. The chart shows a  BLACK LINE  where the main shipping channel is in and out of Boston Neck. Thus, it ensured that all ships had to pass closely by the Fort before going to Boston Neck, which placed all ships within the range of the primitive cannons of the time. This location served a dual purpose: to be a good military site and to collect taxes on boats that passed by.

The Castle 1634

Model of the First Fort made by a Castle Island Volunteer

The garrison consisted of the captain, the gunner, and an undetermined number of men; in 1634, three men enlisted for a year’s service at 10 pounds a year. In 1641, the Court authorized the captain to employ a gunner and his men 150 bushels of Indian corn a year.

The Castle – 1644

After a French Warship visited Boston Harbor, the French were a traditional enemy. The French arrived seeking aid against fellow Frenchmen in a dispute over trading rights in Nova Scotia. Because no salute to the visiting ship came from the Fort, an upgrade of the Fort was required. The new Fort was reconstructed with pine logs, stone, and earth and had six saker guns and three smaller guns.

Saker Gun

The Castle – 1653

The Castle – 1673

Demi-culverin 1587
Demi-culverin 1587

In 1689, British Governor Edmund Andros fled to Castle Island after King James II was overthrown in England. Andros had attempted to centralize authority in New England by bringing it more under the king’s control. One of the acts he sought to enforce was the Navigation Act, which prohibited the use of foreign ships to land in England and restricted the colonies from exporting certain products to any country other than England.

The Castle – 1692

Weaponry used to upgrade the Fort to include 54 cannons, 24 nine pounders, 12 twenty-four pounders, and 18 thirty-two and forty-eight pounders under Governor Sir Williams Phips.

Castle William – 1701

Castle William 1701

Fort Adams – 1776

General Howe Command ship

Commander Howe and American General George Washington had reached a tacit agreement. So long as the British could leave unmolested, they would not destroy downtown Boston. After the British soldiers started some “plundering” in downtown Boston, Howe issued the following proclamation;

“The commander-in-chief finding, notwithstanding former orders that have been given to forbid plundering, houses have been forced open and robbed, he is therefore under a necessity of declaring to the troops that the first soldier who is caught plundering will be hanged on the spot.”

Howe burned down the Fort and destroyed most of its weaponry and ammunition as part of his “gentleman agreed” evacuation with Washington.

USA takes control of Fort


A chart showing Boston Harbor in 1775
A chart showing Boston Harbor in 1775

Fort Independence – 1800

During the War of 1812, the British Navy was active in Massachusetts Bay but did not enter Boston Harbor because the Forts played a big part in the harbor defense. Colonel John Beck was the fort’s commandant during the War of 1812.

Importance of Fort Independence

“Reflecting on the 350 years that Castle Island has stood, we can conclude that the seventh fort, the first Fort Independence, built between 1801 and 1836, was the most significant. At the same time, there were times when perceived threats felt more pressing—such as during the French and Indian War, the pre-Revolutionary period, or the Civil War when a larger number of personnel were stationed on the island—none compared to the actual danger during the War of 1812. At that time, the British controlled Massachusetts Bay, attacking and occupying towns at will.” periods. But during the War of 1812, the danger was real. The British controlled Massachusetts Bay and harassed, attacked, and occupied towns seemingly at will.”

Taken from Book Castle Island and Fort Independence by William J. Reid

Fort Independence – 1833

During the Civil War, weaponry included 96 cannons, including some 15″ Rodman guns that could fire a 450-pound shot more than 3 miles. Fourth Battalion Volunteer Militia and two Infantry regiments, the 11th Massachusetts and 13th Massachusetts, used the fort for training and drilling.

Connecting Castle Island to Mainland

In 1890, Boston began filling the marshes around Castle Island, expanding South Boston to Fort Point Channel. This work was completed in the 1920s. After enjoying Fort Independence and Castle Island, you can continue your stroll along the Head Island Causeway. This pathway circles Pleasure Bay and completes a 2.5-mile walk.

Walkway around Pleasure Bay from Castle Island
Walkway around Pleasure Bay from Castle Island

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