1962 view of Fort and Dorchester Point
1962 view of Fort and Dorchester Point
Charlsetown Navy Yard 1925
Charlestown Navy Yard 1925
1962 of Fort and pleasure bay
1962 of Fort and Pleasure Bay
1770 view of Harbor and military with British and American troops locations
1770 view of Harbor and military with British and American troops locations
1970 reconstruction
1970 reconstruction
1962 external Gun Battery `at Fort Indepedence
1962 external Gun Battery `at Fort Indepedence
1940 boston navy yard and harbor
1940 view of the Boston Navy and through the Harbor
1932 walkway around plaesure bay to Fort
1932 walkway around plaesure bay to Fort
1966 view outside front door to Signal Corp building

This image was taken out of Castle Island Association library of USCG 200 birthday party

200th year birthday party for USCG
1865 15inche Rodman Gun on Governors Island
1865 15inche Rodman Gun on Governors Island
1928 USS LEXINGTON passing fort Indepedence

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